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!nstinct Marketing : PredictNet
PredictNet™ Delivers Constant Improvement: It’s the Secret Formula to Online Marketing Success
When you stop and think about it, the money you spend on marketing is simply an investment in your company.  Like any other investment, your ultimate goal is to maximize your returns.  The PredictNet™ Marketing Optimization Engine will grow your profits and deliver to you a formidable advantage over your competitors. 
PredictNet™ analyzes your entire marketing process so you can determine the key variables most positively affecting your bottom line. 
PredictNet™ will fundamentally change the way you market online by answering these important types of questions:
  • What ads most cost effectively attract paying customers?
  • Which color scheme on my web page most resonates with my clients?
  • Where is the best place to market for my target market?
  • How do I gain optimized efficiency?
  • When is the best time of day and what are the best days of the week to market to my target customers?
  • How responsive are prospects to different headlines and copy on my website?
  • Which key words are generating the highest returns?
  • What is the most profitable form of advertising for my business?
  • How can I generate more leads without increasing costs?

The ultimate goal in answering all these questions is to help you gain more leads and in turn create more customers.  By finding the ideal times and formats to market to your customers, we can optimize your advertising budgets to yield the highest quality traffic for customers.
Don’t Just Get Clicks and Leads – Get the Clicks and Leads that Convert Into Profitable Customers!
Leads are worthless if the person behind the lead doesn’t eventually buy your products or services.  In fact, every lead that doesn’t buy costs you time, energy and most importantly money.  PredictNet™ changes all that by determining the optimal time to advertise to your customers and with what type of advertisement.
PredictNet™ tracks every client touch point throughout the marketing lifecycle to determine where drop-off points exist from the acquiring of a customer to the actual sale.  Tracking the entire marketing and sales process will optimize the marketing arm of your business to help increase the amount of sales.

Even Minor Changes Can Dramatically Increase Your Profit

While significant alterations to a marketing campaign or website can obviously impact returns, even micro adjustments to an ad or web page will often times clearly improve performance.  Every little step of the way PredictNet™ determines the modifications that will deliver you optimal results to fundamentally change the way marketing campaigns are implemented. 

At every step of the way – optimization is available.  At any single point of interaction with a client every individual advantage gained through optimization can significantly improve results.  However, it’s the combined impact of optimizing all touch points in unison with the gain in synergistic leverage that dramatically multiplies your bottom line benefits. 

PredictNet™ tracks and monitors effectiveness at each stage in the client acquisition cycle to determine the optimal changes needed. 
Here is how the PredictNet™ platform segments each stage of the marketing process:

  • Pre-Click – Whether it’s using SearchWisdomTM or our other technologies to help with visibility, so many Internet users will view your ad before a prospect even visits your website.  The source, ad placement, time-of-day, and the ad itself can all be optimized in multiple ways to determine the most efficient methods.

  • Post-Click – Once you get someone to land on your web page (or landing page) what is the best design that will get them to take your desired action?  Our ConversionGraphicsTM landing page optimization technology assists in the science of persuading visitors to take the action you desire.  Layouts, headlines, colors, copy, graphics, photographs, etc. are just a few of the variables that can impact results.

  • Engagement –The engagement process is all about taking a lead and purposefully guiding them along the sales process to become a customer.  Following the prospect through the engagement process is vital in finding vulnerabilities in the process and making adjustments accordingly.

  • Follow Up –Now that you have a solid lead, what is the best way to follow up with that person?  Our InstinctCRMTM sales follow up platform will monitor and track the results of your various follow up procedures such as email correspondence and sales scripts to determine the best sales techniques producing the greatest returns.

  • Nurture –At some stage, sales calls simply become too costly and financially unviable.  Often times the person will buy what you offer in the future, but the timing just isn’t right.  The question is, “When they do become a motivated buyer, will they buy from you?” An Instinct™ nurture marketing campaign will keep your name in front of your prospects until they are ready to buy.  When that time comes you will already have built a memorable relationship with them and kept your company at the top of their mind.

PredictNet™ assembles the performance metrics of your various websites, landing pages, ad creatives, search terms, etc. so you gain the powerful ability to eliminate underperforming campaigns and do more of the things that are really working.  By continually compiling the vital data as to what alterations to a campaign most positively affect your ROI; you will gather breakthrough insights to help funnel your marketing investments to the “best” sources; the ones that will increase your sales and grow your profits

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